Subzero's Bio And Interview
Subelo (Subzero) Matlhaga is a radio Dj & 1 of the best M.Cs around H-Town.He worked with Big P as a feather on his show.Most people saw him on Friends Like This last year,and other heard him on his current show called The Morning Crawl that starts @2:00 a.m till 6:00 a.m,every Saturday and Sunday.He also has his own brand called Ma'se kind.
Qs and As
Q:Why radio?
Subzero:"I was always passionate about entertainment industry and I also like broadcasting.And I think I have personality 4 radio."
Q:When dd u start to work at MCR?
Subzero:"I started 18 months ago,as a freelancer 4 six months,then I became a producer there for 8 months,after that,that's wen I got my 1st show called
Q:Which age group listen 2 The Morning Crawl?
Subzero:"Around 18 years till 35 years.Because they're the clubbing age group and by the time my show is on,they're on they're way or at home 4rm the clubs.
Q:From the experience u have now,do u think u still need 2 grow or your good with what you learned from now?
Subzero:"I wouldn't say I'm good bt my confidence has grown from 18 months and I'm still in the 1st step of my career so I'm still growing from the experience I have now."
Q:When did u start being an M.C?
Subzero:"I started in 2009,with Sweat-Expressions by Sweat-Drop.
Q:Tell us about Ma'se kind.
Subzero:"Ma'se kind is a brand I started with my fashion designer friend(Casper).We only released the t-shirts so far,and we planning 2 make it a clothing brand.So Ma'se kind is Subzero's trademark.
Q:Any radio DJs you look up 2?
Subzero:"I'd say Dj Sbu,because he inspires me through his hustle,his contribution to the community and he worked his way 2 success from his hood like me.
Q:On ur show do u play local music more than u play international music?
Subzero:"My show is balanced,I play both international and local music.
Q:What can you tell your fans?
Subzero:"For my fans,I would say they should keep a look out for Subzero,because big things are about to happen.
Booking info:
.Facebook:Subelo Subzero Matlhaga
Look out for Subzero people,his going places lets support him by listening 2 The Morning Crawl,every Saturday and Sunday @2:00 till 6:00.
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