Funky Friday(Fashion Show)
Today the kasi hustle and life team was at Jubilee mall,covering the Funky Friday event.The appearance was very amusing.Cazba was there to show case his stylish designs,kasi'sfabulous and Nyc neh? where there tell showcase their t-shirts,the hustle around my hood inspires me.Subzero was there to MC the event,and MCR DJs where there too to broadcast a live radio show.LSG,Big P,Dickis J,Jungle(PaiPai) and Willimenaiza where there for the live radio broadcast.NZK,Simplicity and Cedric blessed us with their performances.Dj Kim,Dj Pro and Dj Pentse blessed us with good music.This event was a success if your not from hammanskraal and you wanna visit,believe me you wouldn't want to go home.Its was a pleasure covering this event I really enjoyed my self and the crowd liked it for sure.
If you want kasi hustle and life to cover you event,charity case or any school issue,here is our details below:
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